They love cuddles and games and are big fans of family adventures. These dogs are loyal and very loving of their humans. It has a fox-like appearance that charms on sight and a personality that is ideal for any type of owner. The veteran is taken aback by the obvious effort put into crafting the complex piece and expresses his desire to work with you once again in the future. The Pom is a tiny toy dog with an average height between 8 to 11 inches and an average weight between 4 to 7 pounds. You have delivered the speaking tube component to Duzal Meyean.※In the event that the status Facility Access: Specialization wears off or the synthesis ends in failure, you may try again by speaking with Fyrbryda.Once completed, return to Ehcatl with the item. Use the materials given to you by Duzal Meyean and inspected by Fyrbryda to synthesize a high-quality speaking tube component. Fyrbryda has granted you access to the Diamond Forge's crafting facilities.Also, do not forget to submit the speaking tube component materials to the forgewife for inspection. Return them to Fyrbryda before the heat sees them grow ripe. Travel west to the Tangle and catch two skippers using moth pupae. Currently, the guild is in short supply of tangle skippers─a rare variety of air-breathing fish from which medicine for the pox is brewed. Fyrbryda's rules for the forge are simple: one, all materials brought inside must be inspected for contraband, and two, if anyone wishes to make use of the facilities, they must first provide a generous contribution to the Revenant's Toll chapter of the Adventurers' Guild.Speak with forgewife Fyrbryda about receiving permission to utilize the facilities. Proper equipment to craft these items, however, is only found at the Diamond Forge in Revenant's Toll. Duzal Meyean has asked you to synthesize components for the system of speaking tubes to be installed on the Dezul Qualan.※The crafting portion of this quest is recommended for Disciples of the Hand level 15 and above.Duzal Meyean the Steady seeks a skilled Disciple of the Hand to assist his team of crafts.birds in the creation of intricate components.Deliver the speaking tube component to Duzal Meyean the Steady.Present the speaking tube component materials and the tangle skippers to Fyrbryda.As a fisher, catch tangle skippers in the Tangle.Speak with Fyrbryda in Revenant's Toll.Make sure you've equipped Ehcatl Wristgloves before attempting to craft the quest items.