A qualified clockmaker can typically design and make a missing piece for a clock without access to the original component.

Since modern clockmakers are required to repair antique, handmade or one-of-a-kind clocks for which parts are not available, they must have some of the design and fabrication abilities of the original craftsmen. Originally, clockmakers were master craftsmen who designed and built clocks by hand. The trade requires fine motor coordination as clockmakers must frequently work on devices with small gears and fine machinery. Clockmakers must be able to read blueprints and instructions for numerous types of clocks and time pieces that vary from antique clocks to modern time pieces in order to fix and make clocks or watches. The workshop aimed to explore material behaviour and directionality of elements, as well as understanding structural potentiality of. The Time Wizard (Vexare Remix) (DubStep Music) The Art of Mind the. Modern clockmakers may be employed by jewellers, antique shops, and places devoted strictly to repairing clocks and watches. ComStruct was a two-week workshop in summer of 2015 on computational structures as form generators, hosted by the Contemporary Architects Association in Tehran, Iran, and led by five tutors with 25 participants. Since almost all clocks are now factory-made, most modern clockmakers only repair clocks. Clockmaker A clockmaker is an artisan who makes and repairs clocks.